• Introducing your child to gaming

Introducing your child to video games and gaming can be a great way to bond and have fun together. However, it can also be overwhelming to know where to begin. Here are some tips on how to introduce your child to video games and gaming in a safe and enjoyable way.

  1. Start with age-appropriate games: Make sure to choose games that are appropriate for your child's age and maturity level. Many games come with a rating system, such as E for Everyone or T for Teen, which can help guide your decision. It's also a good idea to research the game's content and read reviews before letting your child play.
  2. Play together: One of the best ways to introduce your child to video games is to play together. Not only will this help you to monitor the content and ensure it's age-appropriate, but it also provides an opportunity to bond and have fun together.
  3. Set limits: It's important to establish limits when it comes to gaming. This includes setting time limits and monitoring the content your child is exposed to. This will help ensure that gaming doesn't interfere with other important activities and exercise. We personally set an alarm on Alexa so Jasper knows it’s all fair and he knows when that alarm goes off that’s his agreed upon time up.
  4. Encourage balance: While gaming can be a fun and enjoyable activity, it's important to encourage balance. Make sure your child is engaging in other activities, such as sports, reading, and spending time outdoors. This will help ensure that gaming doesn't become the only activity your child is interested in.
  5. Be open to questions and concerns: Children may have questions or concerns about the games they're playing. It's important to be open to these questions and address them in a way that is appropriate for your child's age and maturity level.
  6. Educate yourself: As a parent, it's important to educate yourself about the games your child is playing and the potential risks associated with gaming. This will help you to make informed decisions and ensure that your child is safe while playing.

Introducing your child to video games and gaming can be a great way to bond and have fun together. By starting with age-appropriate games, playing together, setting limits, encouraging balance, being open to questions and concerns, and educating yourself, you can ensure that your child's gaming experience is safe and enjoyable.

Please do check out some of our reviews for games that we love to play with our children.

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